You Can't Build a Peaceful World on Empty Stomachs and Human Misery
- Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug
Our Mission
Since October 18,1993, the mission of Selma Area Food Bank has been to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in our quad-county service area. We are committed to working collaboratively with donors, volunteers, and community partners to advocate for policies that address the root causes of hunger. Through efficient and sustainable practices, we strive to empower individuals and families, fostering a path towards food security and self-sufficiency. We believe in the transformative power of allowing access to supplemental food in Dallas, Marengo, Perry, and Wilcox counties.
What We Do
We have over 50 active agencies that receive food from us and distribute to their community. The Selma Area Food Bank is a warehouse for bulk food items. The food comes from donations and local businesses. Our community is what has kept us going for so many years. We never take a donation for granted and appreciate all efforts to help the food bank grow. If you are looking for a worthy cause you have found a good one! Every $1 will provide 14 pounds of food. That 14 pounds of food could be used to prepare several meals. Feeding America has made a huge effort to increase awareness of hunger in the United States.
ATTENTION: If you are a Senior Citizen (60 or older) and live in the Dallas, Perry, Marengo or Wilcox county area, we would LOVE for you to sign up for our Commodity Supplemental Food Program.
Our Generous Donors